The following Conditions are related to Sore throat

Select a specific condition below to view its details.

  • Bronchitis (acute)

    Bronchitis is an infection that affects the lungs' major airways (bronchi), causing irritation and inflammation. Bronchitis can be classified into two types: acute and long-term. Chronic bronchitis is a long-term problem that can come back. It is usually caused by long-term stress, like smoking. Acute bronchitis is short-lived. Most cases go away in a few days, but the cough may last for a few weeks. Each side of your windpipe has its own set of  Read More

  • Vacterl association

    The causes of Vacterl association disease (VAD) are unknown, but it's been linked to certain viruses like West Nile and Zika. When infection with a virus happens during pregnancy, it can cause VAD in the fetus or newborn. VAD can also be caused by exposure to other substances like toxic chemicals, radiation, and certain medicines during pregnancy.There are many risk factors for viral association.  Read More